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The 6th Belt & Road Joint Development Forum on Dentistry/Stomatology (September 3rd, Afternoon)

The 6th installment of this esteemed international gathering is poised to assemble esteemed leaders from dental associations across Asia for an insightful afternoon session. At the heart of our discussions will be the intricate dynamics of the Chinese dental market, where we will explore and strategize on the most effective means of entering and thriving within this energetic and bustling sector.

Guided Tour - Orthodontic and Implant Route

Embark on a comprehensive journey through the orthodontic and implant sectors with our guided tour, featuring presentations delivered in English. This initiative is designed to provide visitors with a seamless and enriching experience, ensuring that every interaction is both convenient and productive.

Luncheon with Export-Oriented Dental Companies (September 4th)

Our exhibition is a magnet for a diverse array of export-oriented dental enterprises, presenting you with the unique opportunity to engage with influential executives over a convivial networking lunch. This event is not just a meal; it's a strategic meeting point where meaningful connections are forged and business relationships are cultivated.

Conference & Forum

China Dental Show(CDS) boasts a diverse scientific conferences and forums with oral health experts who present on a broad spectrum of subjects in the dentistry field, from caries management protocols to regenerative endodontics. CDS is dedicated in creating different and professional meetings every year.

Business Matchmaking

We the CDS team are always fully understanding and appreciating your coming all the way to China to build your gateway to Asia-Pacific’s dental equipment and manufactory industry. Along with the Show, we will provide FREE business matchmaking opportunities for distinguish International Exhibitors and visitors who come to join the show! Introduced with the aim of facilitating business connections between exhibitors and visitors, the CDS Business Matchmaking event will be a vital and optimal platform for your pre-show preparation, which allows you to efficiently set your schedule for maximum benefit – it’s about meeting the right people in the right place at the right time to achieve the right things that you wish!

Over 600 new products first launched at CDS every year.

International Events & National Day

China Dental Show centered in the core of global dental industry event in Asia, the world's fastest growing area for oral health market. It brings together academics and professionals from around the world to meet and share the latest innovation and thinking on policies & investment, R&D, manufacturing & distribution, education & hospital applications and related services for the industry. Different National theme events are ongoing. Come to learn more!